Hopscotch - 3rd grade

Make a new Hopscotch project.

We will spend 2 tech classes working on this project.

Today's Goals:

1. Download image of map & Padre Serra.

2. Create a new Hopscotch project.

3. Add map. Resize, set position, send to back.

4. Add Padre Serra. Resize, set starting position, bring to front.

5. Add a title & your name.

6. Add waypoint markers, a walking character, & directional arrows.

7. Code your character to walk then the arrows are tapped.

8. Code text to appear when your character reaches a waypoint.

9. Record your screen as you control your character along the El Camino Real.

10. Save your video to your learning portfolio and upload your video for your teachers.

Remember for formatting:

  • X-axis moves left and right
  • Y-axis moves up and down
  • The screen is close to 1000 wide
  • The screen is about 800 tall

Position the Map

Position Padre Serra

Create icons for

arrows, traveller, & waypoints

Code traveller to walk

with control arrows

Code text to appear

when traveller arrives at waypoints.

REcord & upload

Use the screen record button on in the control panel to record your animation in action! Upload it to your learning portfolio. (& send to teacher if requested!)