Technology Integration


  1. Charge your iPad at home every night.

  2. Keep your screen off when we are not using devices (especially in the hallway!)

  3. Only use the apps as directed by a teacher for that moment.

  4. Touch only your iPad.

  5. To share, ask a teacher to cast your iPad screen to the whiteboard.

Classroom Toolkit

Tools every educator needs in a connected classroom.

Learning Portfolios

Students self-reflect and curate work throughout the school year.

Programs for Creating

Using technology to explain learning and thinking creatively.

Math Apps

Reinforcing skills & practicing fluency

Coding apps

Teaching students sequential thinking, problem solving, cause and effect, and creative expression.

Scratch Jr., Botley robots,

Dash & Dot, Hopscotch

How-to for students

A collection of commonly used actions for students to reference. How to save, export, and import from various apps and devices.